If you're like me, you probably receive countless unsolicited sales emails and voicemails every calendar month -- and almost of them are really bad.

To give you a taste, here are the opening lines of follow-up emails I received in the past few weeks. Notice anything?

  • "I just left you a voicemail as a follow up to my message yesterday."
  • "I have been trying to reach y'all."
  • "I but wanted to brand sure you got this email (copied beneath) from before and didn't miss out."
  • "Hope yous got my second voicemail."
  • "It's been challenging to reach you."
  • "I'g certain y'all accept lots going on. I accept not heard back from you ... "

Each of these salespeople attempted to guilt me into responding.

I followed upwardly with some of these reps to determine if this approach gets responses. A few said information technology works adequately well -- they get single digit response rates when opening follow-up emails with this line.

1 salesperson -- the summit-performing rep on his team -- fifty-fifty sent me his five-email sequence where 4 out of five letters start with laying down a thick coat of guilt.

Jeff Swank, a high-performing salesperson at HubSpot, brings an old electronic mail to the pinnacle of a buyer's inbox past using the discipline line "e-mail cached?" and writing one short sentence in the torso -- "Just want to follow up in example this email got buried."

Free Download: 30 Follow-Up Email Templates

He's not the but one on the HubSpot sales team who sends these kinds of emails. For several years, we actively taught our salespeople to reference previous connection attempts when reaching out to inbound leads that ane concluding time before taking them out of the pipeline. And it worked … for a while.

But now I'm wondering -- has it gone too far? Has guilt become the prospector's go-to emotion? Are salespeople using it too soon and too ofttimes in their emails and voicemails? And are there some subjects y'all just shouldn't discuss over email?

I think the reply is yes -- using guilt in prospecting emails is a huge mistake.

Does Guilt Work in Sales?

Less than 1% of sales phone calls are returned and less than 24% of sales prospecting emails are opened. This to me shows that buyers do not experience guilty almost ignoring prospecting attempts from salespeople.

Marker Suster, successful entrepreneur and busy guy, sums up why determination makers ignore emails similar so: "I've learned that some people just can't procedure 100% of email. The more senior people are, the more demands they have on their fourth dimension. The older they are, the more out-of-work responsibilities they accept."

Does provoking feelings of guilt make some buyers feel bad? Probably -- but bad feelings don't move the needle for salespeople. What does is responses.

And do guilty feelings brand buyers more probable to get back to you? Not usually. Instead of rushing to respond your email, what's more probable is their guilt volition snowball into sadness, frustration, or annoyance -- non exactly the feelings salespeople hope to provoke.

"Guilt is not a very adept motivator," Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Ph.D., a professor of psychological and encephalon sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, notes. "In the overall scheme of emotions, guilt is … one of the 'pitiful' emotions, which also include desperation, grief, and loneliness."


Personally, I'd dearest to get back to everyone if I had time, but I don't. And I certainly don't have time to oblige every "fifteen infinitesimal request" for a phone call that usually comes right after the guilt trip, like in the example electronic mail below. (Names are changed to protect the guilty, or in this instance, the guilt-inducing.)

Do I experience bad for non getting back to "Mary"? Somewhat. But realizing that my fourth dimension is best spent doing the things I decide to exercise (and based on the sheer volume of email I receive), I have no choice but to stop worrying about getting back to everyone who messages me -- fifty-fifty the people I know and especially the people who I don't know and who don't know me.

Which brings me to my next betoken …

You Can't Guilt Someone That Has No Obligation to You

Now, I'thousand non going to say that y'all should try to avoid making someone feel guilty at all costs. But you should recognize and internalize this critical point: Guilt won't sway people who feel no obligation to you. And with that in mind, I retrieve the only appropriate fourth dimension to provoke guilt is when someone already committed to doing something and didn't follow through.

Janine Popick, founder of email marketing firm VerticalResponse, recently shared a story where guilt provoked her to respond. Here's the notation she received from a potential partner she had agreed to work with in a previous communication.

"Whoa! I felt like crap!" Janine wrote of her reaction to the note. "I instantly emailed her back, apologized, and told her why we've been a flake repose."

While this guilt-tripping email elicited a response from Janine, the arroyo should be used sparingly and caringly, similar in this example.

In addition to being sent only after Janine failed to follow through with a commitment she expressly fabricated, the sender unleashed the guilt simply after several previous follow-upwards attempts, and gave Janine a clear and piece of cake out.

Another way to soften the blow of an email like this is to excuse the lack of response, by writing something along the lines of, "I empathize you are busy. Please don't feel guilty for not responding," and then providing the prospect an out.

According to Marker Suster, an apology works likewise: "I know how busy you are. I promise you lot don't mind I'm putting this at the top of your inbox."

When to Utilize 'Haven't Heard from Yous'

Equally we've outlined higher up, using "Haven't heard from you" in email or voicemail communications is usually rude, attempts to guilt your recipient, and just evidently doesn't piece of work.

When you'd like to provide a polite and gentle nudge to your prospect, kickoff consider waiting 5 to ten business days before contacting them again.

This acknowledges they're busy and gives them time to respond to you on their own (which is always preferable to a nudge electronic mail). It as well prevents you from looking drastic -- which is never a practiced way to brainstorm a business organization human relationship.

But, when you lot've waiting the appropriate length of time and you're set up to reach out again, test these alternatives, instead of "I haven't heard from you lot":

Lay the Groundwork for Relationships, Not Guilt Trips

If the guilt bending isn't the right way to ameliorate response rates, what is? In my stance, salespeople should try initiating a relationship first. And in club to practice this, reps demand to slow their coil.

Instead of trying to get responses along the lines of "You lot might be able to help me -- allow's talk," salespeople should aim for something closer to "I tin can relate -- I'd like to get to know you." Build a relationship starting time, and so your buyers might actually feel guilty when they miss one of your emails.

Hither'south how to prioritize relationship-edifice in your prospecting:

  1. Do research. Just like buyers research vendors, salespeople can and should research their prospects. Most companies and many individuals publish information nigh themselves online, and review sites exist for almost every production or service these days. Internet resources aside, information technology's not besides hard to talk to your prospect'due south employees, partners, customers, or vendors to learn more about them.
  2. Change your goal. Salespeople should send prospecting emails with the goal of initiating a relationship, not pitching their offer. Here are 28 email templates that will assistance you do just that. These templates don't stir up negative emotions similar guilt; they inspire positive emotions like pride and appreciation -- especially when you position your pre-outreach enquiry front and center.
  3. Offer value before you ask for anything. Your buyers are overwhelmed and drowning in email. Want to build a human relationship? Find a mode to make their lives easier. Then they'll be a lot more receptive to doing something for you lot down the line.
  4. Be timely and relevant. The beauty of attracting prospects to you lot instead of pushing your bulletin onto them is that they're making the first move. It becomes your opportunity to respond -- not their obligation.

In that crucial first email, almost salespeople attempt to snag their buyers' interest past explaining the value of their product. If that doesn't elicit a response, many resort to guilt laden follow-on attempts.

But this strategy works just a modest fraction of the time, and does nothing to forge a relationship between heir-apparent and seller. After all, prospects don't look kindly on people who try to give them guilt complexes.

The key to effective prospecting is building relationships start. Initiate a relationship by being interested in the other person. Do your enquiry and and then write customized letters based on what you notice.

Better yet, attract buyers to y'all through social prospecting, blogging, and website optimization, and and so use that engagement to increase your timeliness and relevance, and ultimately your connect and close rates.

This quote from Suster sums it upwards well:

"My goal is not to brand [people] feel guilty. That's lightheaded. If they're of import that's the terminal matter I'd desire to do."

If yous're overloaded and struggling to keep up with e-mail, so are your buyers. Take some empathy, and put away the guilt. Oh, and terminate using these other bad sales phrases, too.

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Originally published Aug 5, 2018 ten:45:00 PM, updated Jan 31 2022