Funny I Love You So Much It

120+ Funny and Clever Replies to "I Love You!"

Cheeky Kid is a cybernaut who spends a lot of time browsing the web, grasping infinite information, and reveling in entertainment and fun.

Funny and Clever Replies to "I Love You!"

Funny and Clever Replies to "I Love You!"

Are you tired of the usual responses to the expression "I love you?" Well, you're not alone. It's time to turn everything up a notch. Instead of saying sweet, cute, corny, or cheesy replies, let's set the stage for funny, clever, or even sarcastic replies.

Poke some fun and spread the love with utmost delight. But remember: Always practice discretion! This list was crafted with the spirit of fun in mind. Ultimately, laughter is as good for the soul as love is good for the heart!

  • I love ME too!
  • Well, who doesn't?
  • Okay.
  • You better!
  • I get that a lot!
  • I know.
  • Can I buy you a drink or do you prefer cash?
  • You are day-dreaming again!
  • I love You...Tube!
  • Awww, but my hatred for you is even more truthful than this.
  • HAHAHAHAHAHA...what?!
  • Shut up, baby. I knew all along.
  • Oh, wow! A new name to the list of people who love me!
  • If I was you, I'd love me too.
  • The more I drink, the more attractive you become.
  • If only I could get *insert name of your celebrity crush here* to say that.
  • Chill!
  • Don't say, prove it!
  • Baby, I'm no Fred Flintstone, but I can make your bed rock! (Bedrock! Geddit?)
  • Oh, stop it you!
  • Flattery won't get you anywhere, honey.
  • So what? Everyone loves me.
  • Who the heck are you?
  • That'll do pig, that'll do.
  • I'm getting hungry. Let's get something to eat.
  • I'm broke.
  • Are you sure you aren't sick or something?
  • Since when?
  • Why?
  • As I suspected!
  • Same.
  • Of course you do!
  • How could you not when I'm this awesome?
  • Yeah, thanks. I love myself too.
  • *takes out pepper spray*
  • I love you too, but as a friend.
  • Forget it, you know nothing about me!
  • I'm shutting my eyes tight so everything goes black.
  • And I'm calling the police.
  • I mean...who doesn't love me?

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  • Hush, be quiet! My show is on.
  • You love me? Then shake it, baby!
  • Oh sh*t! Are you serious?
  • I love...cake!
  • Who, me? This crazy, slightly neurotic me? Well, you have a weird choice.
  • That's good, because me loving you would be kind of awkward if you didn't.
  • Well, don't!
  • Please fall in line.
  • Oh darling, if only there was someone who loved you as well.
  • "Grawrawroooo!" That's what my dog says.
  • So does my mom.
  • No. Nooo. Noooo! This can't be true. I cannot be dead!
  • K.
  • So kiss me!
  • Huh? Come again?
  • I have to ask my parents first.
  • Awww! I love you too!
  • You ate my chocolate, didn't you?
  • I love me too. What a coincidence!
  • Put it in writing, and I might consider it.
  • Excuse me?
  • Sorry, it's raining outside. I can't take you for a walk.
  • I've grown fond of you too.
  • Sorry, I only love cookies.
  • I'm sorry.
  • Yeah, but actions speak louder than words.
  • Stop beating around the bush! How much money do you want?
  • No, you don't. You are lying.
  • And you are like a candy bar: Half-sweet and half-nuts!
  • What do you want?
  • Sweetie, are you alright today?
  • Yeah, I am lovable!
  • It's okay. Accidents happen.
  • Okay, bye.
  • Don't come closer. You might burn yourself.
  • I don't blame you.
  • Are you kidding me?! Pets don't talk!
  • You look cold. Do you want to use me as a blanket?
  • For the love of god, why?
  • My love for you is like diarrhea: I just can't hold it in!
  • No! You already owe me like 60 bucks! No more borrowing!
  • Thank you!
  • How dare you!
  • Oh really, that's so funny.
  • Love? Can I eat that?
  • *takes out gun* What did you do now?! You little piece of sh*t!
  • Hmmm...what were we talking abut?
  • I get it. I'll do the dishes!
  • Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.
  • I love you the biggest.
  • We'll bang, okay?
  • That's the funniest joke you've ever told me!
  • You just love the idea of having someone.
  • Have you gone nuts?!
  • Arigatou gozaimasu!
  • To hell with your 'I love you', I need my money back!
  • HAHAHAHAHA! That's a good one!
  • Really? Tell everyone around and I'll believe you.
  • I know, I heard you the first time.
  • Tell me, for which boy/girl are you practicing this now?
  • Your parents must have been bakers, because you've got a nice set of buns.
  • If you love me that much, why don't you order a pizza for me and then let me decide about the intensity of your love.
  • Go ahead, make my day.
  • Are you drunk?
  • Why?
  • It's going to take a little while before I could say the same to you.
  • Already? Damn, I'm good!
  • I love you too but please don't tell the world that we are together now.
  • But first, you must pass the seven deadly trials of love.
  • Please send your application letter and resume to my email address.
  • Great legs, what time do they open?
  • Did you fart, because you just blew me away.
  • Fasten your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy night.
  • Since you have said that, I have to think from my both hemispheres of brain before I could reply to you.
  • Duly noted.
  • Say that again. It's turning me on.
  • Well, it looks like I just made a home-run with you.
  • Keep the change!
  • Good boy/girl.
  • Acknowledged.
  • Awesomesauce!
  • Stop! You're giving me a headache.
  • How much?
  • Since you came up with the agenda today, we can surely work out on the possibilities of our relationship depending upon all the parameters.
  • Roger that.
  • Roses are red, violets are blue. Sometimes you suck, but I love you too.
  • I hate you!
  • Do you speak any other languages? I usually go with, "con todo mi corazon".
  • Yeah, that can happen.
  • That makes two of us!
  • Haha, cheers.
  • Ugh, here we go again!
  • And you are annoying.
  • What? I didn't hear you. Speak up!
  • Hey, what's up? Guess what? It's your lucky day! Out of all the boys/girls present here, I chose you.
  • You know what? My doctor says I'm afraid of commitment. Do you want to help me prove him/her wrong?
  • You must be tired because you've been running in my mind this whole time.
  • I have somewhat similar feelings for you, only the word "love" sounds like "H.A.T.E ."
  • Damn right you do! I'm extremely lovable!
  • How did you get inside my house?
  • It's understandable, you're only human.
  • Awww. That's very sweet, but I won't give you any discount for the night.
  • Do you know karate, because your body is really kicking!
  • Hey baby, you're so fine you make me stutter. Wh-wh-what's your name again?
  • If you were a booger, I'd pick you.

© 2018 Cheeky Kid

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